New extrusion line in Peru

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Recently it has been started at Ladrillos Lark’s – Lima – Peru, one of the major Peruvian manufacturers of the heavy clay industry, the new extrusion line consisting of an extruder type Tecno 650SE, particularly suitable to machine products with a low content of humidity and the double shaft mixer MIX 610I placed upstream the extruder. Moreover the line is made up of a dry milling machine, which exploits the special features of the local clays as well as the peculiarity of the climate of the Peruvian capital that allows this kind of preparation.

Thanks to the excellent performances of the machines installed, Bongioanni Macchine has entered into a sales contract with the customer for the purchase of another extruder type Tecno, that is going to replace an old existing extruder in the line 2 of Puente Piedra plant.

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