The technology Bongioanni Machinery for the treatment of inerts consists in a production cycle able to process the rubble produced by the demolition of masonry and cement buildings in addition to other types of inert materials. The primary crushers with rotating shafts Bongioanni are particularly suitable to effectively undress the iron contained in reinforced concrete and to work even wet material with high concentration of mud or earth.

Volumetric reduction processes allow to select with different screening machines: ferrous, nonferrous metals, as well as various other noble or precious materials to be recovered. The Bongioanni Macchine plant design allows to adhere to the most stringent standards in terms of safety, cleaning and noise of machinery, Bringing a benefit to the environment and minimizing production waste.

The granulate produced by crushing, once freed from foreign materials, can be used for road fillings. Or for the production of new concretes, replacing the aggregates from quarries derived from virgin material.